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As confront a freelance job

In most cases in the form of start profession freelance usually work with. Small orders that reach us through some known or advertisement on the web.

One of the issues that generate more questions in our early is how much money would be right to ask for a particular job. There is always the fear spend the amount or understatement asking.

The answer is simpler than it looks. Have clear that this will be the profession that want to dedicate, not be a hobby, but a job that will allow you to pay your bills and live normally. Be locking as an animator or working as a clerk in a department store, the end is the same, earn a decent living with your work. So the first thing that you should think about is how much is fair to charge a monthly basis so that you can live with dignity with your profession. Thinking that this amount you will have to add the VAT, subtracting the income tax, diminishing share of autonomous and subtracting taxes on benefits will have to pay in taxes when you make the statement. One thing is gross pay what are you going to charge and over the net, which is left after paying your taxes. Assure that the net amount is the salary that allows you to live in a dignified manner. This gross amount of the monthly salary divide up between days in the month to know how much you must charge for a day's work.

The next step is to estimate the working days that I will take to make your custom freelance and multiply it by what you should charge for a day. At this point you have the right amount it costs to make this work. But it is not yet final, because you have to consider all freelance jobs have a period after delivery which usually call for changes. I know of no freelance work that was approved at the first. The changes are the order of the day, so that the right thing would be sumarais that amount to twenty percent more for the changes are also included in the budget. Now you have the budget ready to present to your client (ok)

But what if the client tells you that much and does not accept your budget? Think about it, what you are implying is that a professional is not willing to hire. Have clear that this is your profession and you know very well what it's worth your work. Quite your sorrow, you have to reject. Have enthusiasm to get the job, It is your opportunity to get started in the profession and “stick your head”, but you must not allow your illusion undermine your ability to reason. If you accept lowering the amount estaréis throwing rocks at your own roof and setting precedents for the future that do not come well to the profession that you want to dedicate. You have to make it clear that you are professional and that the budget is correct, is so worth your time and craft both hard-won will learn.

Another important point is signing a contract. A document makes clear the work must deliver to your customer and pay what are you going to get in return. Think of the words with the wind 🙂 This contract will have to include the following information:

  • Identifying parts: Who hires and who
  • Details of the research
  • Responsibilities of each party regarding the delivery of material, dates, etc…
  • Payment Methods.
  • What happens if one party changes his mind or want to change some part of the order.

Finally a warning about the “pirates of animation” that covered in the loopholes that exist in our country, get on more than one occasion pull our legs. In this profession, As in any other, there are some people who pretend to abuse your enthusiasm and try to promise you to work for free “great” Future benefits. Never you accept poor working conditions or free work to enable these “pirates of animation! to live at the expense of those who are starting in this profession.

I hope these tips to be a help to manage your next freelance jobs and help that I might win life in dignity in this profession.

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